Friday, January 8, 2010

i like omegle

You: is you a virgin?
You: sorry my enlich isnt spot on yet :)
Stranger: Haha. I was just about to correct you. And no. Im not
You: its odd that your nation does not marry young like us
You: im married and have a child
Stranger: What? Your 13? We can have sex and not mary here.
You: it hurt]
You: alot
Stranger: I bet it did. Thats sucks.
You: but that isnt love
You: fucking and never talking again
You: german do 3 things, make good porn, make bear, and make dinner
You: beer*
You: oh and praise Füher
You: Der Füher wird noch einmal steigen! Juden schauen besser ihres Arsches zu!
Stranger: Im german. Haha. I just live in the Untied States. And dont know what the fuck you just said.
You: i said. "praise the Fuher, he will rise once again. You jews better watch you ass's"
You: your lieing
You: you do not have german blood
You: you would have told me when we first started talking
Stranger: No. Not nessicarily. I only say if they ask
Stranger: But anyway, my Ansesters are from germany. my grandma is accually. I have german and irish blood. No joke
You: know whats really funny? im a 35 year old man living in the usa
You: ima go masturbate and watch star wars
You: but i am a nazi

Team Foot
Nazi actually enjoy playing Nazi Zombies.

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