Friday, June 12, 2009


So i went to Central America b/c i heard a rumor that asians were forming an Alqida Terrorism cell some were near belize. I got on my flight and immediately the torture began.  I had a fat chick next to me... Spencer you would have been on her like bacon grease. SHe was sweating and coughing. She was at the window and i was on the isle. Out of no were she pulled out a six pack of twix... good fucking job TSA you can find the thumbtack in my back pack and accuse me of trying to take over the plane. But you let this chick in.. those could be mini pipe bombs! Well i was sitting back reading a WoW game manual, when i started to think... how did she get through the metal detecter? Really it still stumps me. Well we landed in Belize. i made my way out and oriented to my coordinates, i had to you my super uber pwnage navigation skills that i learned at summer camp to find their training facility. 
I was trekking through the mother fucking jungle. I was getting close. Drenched in sweat and i had my sword ready for action. It was a collectable from . 
I came to a clearing... i saw smoke from a camp fire this must be it  i was thinking when i realized. I hadnt played wow in over 5 hours... my pulse sped up and i started craving it... i neeeeeeded it. I ran as fast my driud with a potion to the airport and chartered a plane. I made it back to my house in under 2 1/2 hours "landing" the plane in the nearest chinese embassy. 
Overall it sucked ass but quite an adventure.

Love Teamfoot
Punting kittens is always good luck.

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