Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Snicker like your best friend filming in the closet while you blow your mom.

Hey guys,
Why does no one like me? I'm the innocent intern, and yet, Tom and Jack are getting votes. Damn! So I have some lines of my own. Me and my friend were having a 'My Dick' competition, and I said "My dick is so big, that if you put it on a keyboard, it would go from A-Z". Great, right? Wrong. I was thinking about that diss while typing an email to my mother. And look how close AZ are? What the fuck? I dissed myself. Picture time! ... Damn! Not working. I'll give this laptop a throbbing bicycle.
For those who don't know, a throbbing bicycle is when your girlfriend (or hooker) lies doggystyle on the ground, and you pedal your bike as fast as you can, then hit the front brake, and fly into their ass. Just don't miss! (Do not attempt, unless you are trying to break up with them.)


  1. I can see you put no effort into this blog, but it is funny.

  2. Dear Anonymous Big Black Porn Lover (btw click on the name anonymous above this post), there is a little thing on the bottom of this comment section that says 'subscibe by e-mail'.

  3. I gave ur mom a throbbing bicycle
